you’re in
good hands.

Specialized massage therapy and manual treatments in Astoria, NYC.


If you listen to your body when it whispers, you won’t have to hear it scream.


House of wellness - top massage therapists in astoria, nyc

At House of Wellness we provide massage therapy and the following treatments:

- Injury Rehabilitation

- Trigger Point Therapy

- Myofascial Release

- Deep Tissue Massage

- Lymphatic Drainage

- Prenatal Massage

- Postnatal Massage

- Orthobionomy

- Cupping therapy

- Active Release Technique

- Muscle Specific Deep Tissue Massage

Recovery is a process. It takes time, it takes patience.


Massage therapy & more

We provide specialized massage therapy and personalized treatments for various medical conditions including:

- Sports injuries

- Performance enhancement

- Pain

- Stress

- Rehabilitation + Surgery

- Pregnancy & Postpartum

- Work-Related Injuries

- And more!

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